Saturday 25 February 2012


Lord Shiva is regarded as the representation of the Supreme Being. 

Shiva is the destructive form of the Almighty. Lord Shiva is said to be half man and half woman. In the full figure of Siva the male and female principles are united. Shiva Linga - the symbol of Lord Shiva which consists of both Lingam (phallus) and yoni (the female organ) represent the totality of his nature and the totality of all created existence. 

 Shiva Linga is a rounded, elliptical, an-iconic image that is usually set on a circular base or peetham . According to some scholars the Peetham represents Parashakti, the manifesting power of God. ‘Linga’ is gender in general and phallus (the male reproductive organ) in particular. They believe that the base of the Lingam corresponds to the Yoni which mean vagina or the female reproductive organ.

The togetherness of Lingam and Yoni in a Shiva Linga as the point of energy, creation and enlightenment. 
the lingam contains the soul-seed within which lies the essence of the entire cosmos

Lord Shiva is conceived in his unborn, invisible form as Shiva Lingam.

The God staying in a state blissful, enjoying in Its Own Self eternally, without any flaws is the Supreme Lord shiva. The Perfection is the completeness - there is nothing external that is required to make the Self blissful.
Lord Shiva is reckoned among the Tridevas (trimity). Brahma is the creator, Lord Vishnu is the preserver and Lord Shiva is the destroyer. Shiva is the lord of Shakti also.
Lord Shiva protects the souls from pain and suffering that would be caused by a dysfunctional universe

Lord Shiva is the Lord of mercy and compassion.

Shiva is a yogi who has notice of everything that happens in the world and is the main aspect of life. 
He protects devotees from evil forces such as lust, greed, and anger.

Shiva is responsible for change in both in the form of death and destruction and in the positive sense of destroying the ego, the false identification with the form.  This also includes the shedding of old habits and attachments.  In Shiva the art of meditation takes its most absolute form.  In meditation, not only mind is stopped everything is dropped.  In deep meditation or samadhi, even the object of the meditation(like a mantra) is transformed into its formless essence, which is the essence of everything and everyone.  The path of Lord Shiva is the path of ascetic yogi.  

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